林煜川-Autumn Leaves

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Another day, another life 一天,一段生活 Passes by just like mine 就像我一样擦身而过 It's not complicated 一点也不复杂 Another mind, another soul 一种心灵,一个灵魂 Another body to grow old 一个人长大 It's not complicated 一点也不复杂 Float down 飘落 Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? 你是否想过会有星星为你闪耀? Like autumn leaves 就像秋天的叶子 Close your eyes before the sleep 在你睡前闭上眼 And you're miles away 你在千里之外 And yesterday you were here with me 昨天 你却和我在一起 Another tear, another cry 一滴眼泪,一场哭泣 Another place for us to die 一个因为我们而逝去的地方 It's not complicated 一点也不复杂 Another love that's gone to waste 一段感情逝去了 Another light lost from your face 你的脸上逝去了光彩 It's complicated 很复杂 Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you? 鸟儿会继续为你歌唱吗? Float down 飘落 Like autumn leaves 就像秋天的叶子 And hush now 嘘... Close your eyes before the sleep 在你睡前闭上眼 And you're miles away 你在千里之外 And yesterday you were here with me 昨天 你却在我身旁
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